Happy New Year!

Our acting Secretary is catching up on emails and online membership issues. Please expect delays as the backlog of 150 emails is worked through. Thanks for your patience.

The 2022 club match schedule will be posted soon.

Watch Out For Ticks!

Wood ticks are plentiful at our club, and the smaller Blacklegged tick has been spotted in the area. Take precautions and check yourself after each visit. Tick borne disease is serious and Lyme disease is on the rise in Manitoba.

Some simple precautions include wearing insect repellent with DEET, long pants and socks and staying out of tall grass. For more information about ticks & tick borne disease check out the following resources:

Acceptable Targets

Members are required to bring their own targets. Targets must be off the ground on a target stand. Thrown clay targets are only allowed on Range 3 (Trap Range) and can only be shot when no one is on Range 1 or 2. Targets must not be set up on club furniture (tables, benches etc). Destruction of club property is cause for loss of membership.

No glass, rocks. cement, computers or household appliances are to be used as targets. Tin cans or plastic bottles shall be picked up and disposed of in the garbage bins provided. Remove paper targets from target holders when done shooting. Keep the range and shooting tables clean for other members.

Club Rules section 13

On Range 1 targets must be placed on the provided backers. For Range 2 or 4 you could build your own target stand: